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Ecological approach

One of the major problems when launching an e-commerce site, this is the packaging. It is both essential for the products to arrive safely, but completely useless once the package is opened. We had the choice like everyone else to wedge our products with polystyrene flo-packs, puffy bags, synthetic straw or foam. But that's not what we were looking for. Too bad if the prices of these products are more advantageous and/or more aesthetic, we have chosen brown cardboard boxes and cushioning made from recycled paper fibers and/or from sustainably managed forests.

Circuit Court

ProvençalBox favors the course circuit by choosing only local products grown and processed in Provence. Our suppliers produce each product themselves, respecting traditions and the environment.. We only select organic or sustainable agriculture products, and if they exist, in AOC, AOP or IGP.


We are very vigilant about the packaging chosen by our suppliers and we favor recyclable packaging such as paper bags. (grass of Provence, pasta, flours…), glass jar (terrines, tapenades, candied, vinegars, sels) or metal (sardines, calissons, olive oils…).

We only work with producers who respect European environmental regulations and legislation.